Loaded up Matresses.

Dumped off mattresses at transfer station.

Loaded up Matresses.
We are the best mattress removal company in Kitsap County. We had to pick up some mattresses from the back of an apartment complex. We recycle alot of furniture but we typically don't recycle mattresses because of fleas and bed bug risks. We took these mattresses along with other furniture straight to the transfer station.
We all need to replace our mattresses sometime in our lives. Especially with all the new types they are making such as purple or pillow tops. King size mattresses can be a pain to move out of your rooms. They always need to people to get them out. We can save you the trouble and remove them from your house if needed. If you do get them outside and want us to remove them we just ask that you put them under some cover. Mattresses that get rained on and get soaked with water can weigh 100 pounds or more. They also become more difficult to move and load. If you do get them outside and we can back up to them it could turn into a one person job which will save you money.